PLANETA 1 - 1984

Jac Berrocal and his group Catalogue (Paris - F) 14'18''

with a special speech by J. Berrocal "l'AACN" (Amitié Associative des Comités contre la Négligence)
and the music of Catalogue: Berrocal, Artman, Pauvros and special guests as Vince Taylor.

Alesia Cosmos (Strasbourg) 15'25''

with Evelyne Cohen-Tannoudji, Félix and the music of Alesia Cosmos
(Ben Ayed, Chénerilles, Clavreux, Holtzer, Servier).

Cassiber (Frankfurt) 15'00''

with Heiner Goebbels and the music of Cassiber (Hart, Goebbels, Anders, Cutler).

Sur Un Bordeaux Différent 14'12''

with DMA2, Limite, Hello Happy Tax Payer and the music of Anne Gillis and Yuca Ferdanzen.